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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

More on Pathological Lying

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More Info?  www.addictions.net
Human beings are used to several bad habits. Most of these habits start in an early age perhaps in the childhood days. One such habit is the tendency to lie. Most of the cases are attached to child hood incidents. But there are different cases also. The habit may not sound so serious, but the after effects of this habit which can be better called as a disease is not small to neglect as such.
It is quite common that people lie at times to escape from some punishments. This is natural and will not have long lasting results as the effects are limited. But there are cases when people lie in a recursive fashion or they might lie always. This condition is often referred to as compulsive lying.
Compulsive lying starts when people lie for each and everything. They get a feeling that lie can always protect them. Then even in places where truth will help them, they will start lying. Thus they won’t say truth in any case. Thus compulsive liars are born.
Compulsive lying is developed as a disease. The most interesting thing is that compulsive liar himself won’t understand why he is telling lies at times. This will make people lose the trust in him. He will be looked upon with suspicious eyes.
The compulsive liar will find it difficult to get a return back to the case of telling lies. If in the initial stage, he was lying to escape from the punishment, after that he will do it thinking this is the right way. He fails to understand what is right and what is wrong.
Compulsive liars will be hated by all people. None will love to make companies with such people. They will be isolated from the main stream and they won’t get true friends. Their friends will start lying with them because they don’t trust their words and actions.
Compulsive lying can be treated with counselling or similar treatments. But the result is that all this will have only short range influence on the liar. To get lasting results, the best method is hypnosis. The treatment is done with the help of hypnosis CD. People will have serious changes when they listen to this CD.
Hypnosis CD and mp3 will act on the minds of the compulsive liar. They will bring about changes in his mind. When he give his complete concentration and starts to follow the instructions, the tendency slowly fades away. The mind will be relaxed. He can easily analyse what is right and what is wrong. He will understand the importance of truth in life.
All bad habits are the results of man’s ignorance towards the realities of life. When he realizes the importance of life, he will take time to understand the need to get rid of those habits. Thus he will start telling the truth and do only good. With the help of hypnosis your lying ways will soon be history and you will have the courage to face the world with truthfulness and honesty every step of the way.
More Info?  www.addictions.net

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