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Alright I'm going to make this as short and to the point as I can. If Thanksgiving ended up being a rough 'eating day' now is the time to decide if you are going to continue doing what you have always done or change that behavior!
For the last week I have been providing information to help people make the holidays a different experience perhaps than in the past years. Unfortunately the holidays begin with one of the roughest days for anyone with an eating disorder - Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving being the day of extreme food excesses of the year. It is the New Years Eve for alcoholics only Thanksgiving is dedicated to those with food issues!
If you had a bad or rough day with the eating on Thanksgiving (TG) today is the day you can change the course of the rest of the holidays! Most who relapse on TG begin with alot of self-degredation, self-hatred, shame and of course set themselves up to destroy the rest of the holidays through self-defeating thoughts/actions! Truly isn't that how it normally goes?
The negative self-talk is overwhelming, degrading and self-defeating. It does nothing to help the individual help themselves - it has everything to do with guaranteeing a swift moving spiral downward to the hell of shame obsessions and compulsions! It begins a sense of failure of epic proportions and guarantees yet another miserable holiday experience!
Now did you want to change that experience this year or are you determined to set yourself up to feel as bad as you possibly can? It is your decision after all. What is it that you want? If Hell is what you are looking for stop reading here - you need NO HELP to attain that experience!
If you want a different outcome continue reading...Let's just look at TG from my perspective if you had trouble with the day I don't consider you a failure - but I do believe the plan you used failed! Perhaps you didn't have a plan - there's a bad plan in itself! Perhaps you didn't think though all the particulars or whatever now we know that plan didn't work for you and you need to develop a better plan for the remainder of the holidays.
Often in my experience people don't take their plan development seriously enough. Spending some time to look at all the different possibilities you may be faced with throughout the Holidays pays off with a much different outcome. Essentially those with eating disorders who take the time to develope a comprehensive plan including all possible situations like food at work, people you might be around, parties you might attend, what all you need to do to be prepared for Christmas like all the shopping, considering your budget how you're going to take good care of yourself, follow your meal plan etc... This is what will win you a successful holiday season!
But before all of that - if you had a rough TG you need to forgive yourself and LET IT GO! Focussing on the negative practically guarantees more negative to come! I have already pointed out that rather than YOU being a failure - your PLAN or lack of a plan failed! Everyone needs to begin with that realization. Also there is a quote I'm quite known for using - "If you do what you have always have done-you will get what you always have gotten!" To begin with perhaps you should focus on the meaning of that quote in order to identify what needs to be different. I'll be addressing this in later blogs.
Has this helped you to begin to change how you are thinking? Are you confused about whether to continue beating yourself up or make more positive changes or modifications in your thinking?
Some helpful reading:
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