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Saturday, November 17, 2012

Holidays Approaching Rapidly - Find Assistance from Our 3-Part blogtalkradio Shows!

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If you feel you will need some assistance navigating the holidays, stress and food issues - Try our 3-Part series on Surviving the Holidays!

One of the best ways to feel good about the holidays is to make sure you plan for problematic times.  Often people struggle with their ED because they have not taken the time to think through all possible situations you might be encountering during these celebrations.

Make sure you include in your plans work situations that might be difficult, social situations, family situations, setting boundaries, taking care of yourself, limiting your stress, utilizing coping skills, meal planning & identifying triggering situations that would normally cause you distress!

Additionally set some goals for yourself during the holidays, begin new traditions that you might value, and include people who make you feel good about yourself in some of your holiday plans!  The holidays are not worth putting yourself in excessive debt - if that has been your history this is a good year to change that problem.

Finally - Avoid 'excessiveness' of all kinds during the holidays!  Spending, drinking, activities, exhaustion, eating, restricting, purging of all kinds - These are nothing but self-esteem breakers!

More Info?  addictions.net

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