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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Often @ Thanksgiving Children Return From College With Eating Disorder Symptoms

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Unfortunately one of the things that may occur for families at this time of year is that their college student returns from school with apparent symptoms of disordered eating...

This is NOT an unusual occurrence at all!  Often during the Thanksgiving break families are with their loved ones for more time since their child left for school.  Also the holiday of Thanksgiving surrounds eating and those suffering with eating disorders find being around food is extremely difficult.  Generally this occurs with your freshman but is also very common with older college students as well.  

The important thing I would like to communicate here is NOT to fall into denial about what you may be witnessing with your child!  Additionally, trust your own 'gut' level concerns!  Eating disorder sufferers are known to be in denial themselves, wanting to hide their problem and often NOT wanting to think they have a problem or need help with their symptoms!  One additional HINT is often those with ED's are waiting for YOU to GET IT!  

I suggest you educate yourself immediately!  ED are NOT a fad and RARELY go away on their own.  Get your loved one some help ASAP!  And get yourself some as well through education right away.  It's a tough decision for many parents - whether to allow the child to return to school or not if it is that bad that you are questioning what to do in that manner - DON'T LET THEM RETURN!

If you do allow your child to return begin looking for help at the school and consider seriously having your child take off the spring semester - or go to college in your home town for that semester so that they can get treatment and be around you for support in recovery!

Every year at this time we get many many calls from concerned parents about this subject.  Every year we tell them what I am telling you right now.  Keep in mind just b/c your child is involved in treatment of some sort away at college - the therapist is NOT your 'STAND IN PARENT'!  If your child has developed an ED your child is very sick.  Would you send them off to school with a potentially lethal physical illness and just wait till Christmas to address that illness???  Probably not I'm guessing...DO NOT treat an ED any differently than you would any physical illness!

I hope this does not occur for you this holiday season but if it does there is help for your family reach out and get it!  Don't fall into DENIAL of the seriousness of these disorders!

Here's some information on our website to get you started with: 


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