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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Why Do Borderlines Need So Much Attention

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People with BPD are needy and demanding and tend to be overly dramatic in expressing their needs. They have no problem expressing their needs, and do it regularly and often, and they do not realize that most of the time their reactions to perceived slights are inappropriate. And they tend to feel slighted in almost all relationships. Because for borderlines, its all about them all the time. They demand love and attention, and feel intense emotion when they don't get what they want in relationships with other people. Being in relationship either as a friend, family member or romantic partner with someone who is borderline is exhausting and stress-filled. The borderline can go from expressing extreme despair to extreme fury in seconds, and blame everyone else for their problems. These people are the perpetual "victim" all the time. Borderlines can be charming and sweet, but it soon turns ugly when you do or say something that they interpret as not giving them what they think they "deserve". This is why others feel they are manipulative. Unless a person who has borderline personality disorder successfully participates in psychological counseling, all their relationships will be unsatisfying to them and ultimately they will get what they fear the most --- abandonment by those they want to be close to. They drive people away. Borderlines are exhausting people who suck the joy and life out of almost every situation because of their desperate insecurities and focus on the self.

More Info?  www.addictions.net

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