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Saturday, November 24, 2012

Let Thanksgiving Go - Celebrate the Rest of the Holidays More Tweets and Information on Eating Disorders

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Deborah Kuehnel@EDRC
Some minor deceptions ED's live through - but trust me they get worse than this
so glad that something helps - U bet it's an addiction - also make sure U address shame issues
- eating disorder & honesty recovery: Often @ Thanksgiving Children Return From College With
Deborah Kuehnel@EDRC
Constantly checking one's body by feel or by looking into mirrors or window reflections is not really a big deal FALSE
Faulty thinking/cognitive distortions include beliefs we hold as truths about ourselves & ruin lives
Bulimics who purge cause themselves digestive problems when they attempt to stop the behavior -
Did you know that you CAN drink too much water & that it is very dangerous to your health?
- eating disorder & honesty recovery: Have an ED? 'Internal Combustion' If Thanksgiving Was Rough
Deborah Kuehnel@EDRC
To Those Who Suffer From EDs - if U did well yesterday celebrate it - if U had a rough day LET IT GO-don't use it to PUNISH urself for it
It's a new day Thanksgiving is over be thankful for yourself b/c U R a uniquely special person.

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