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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Deb's Tweets for The Thanksgiving Holiday

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Please be safe from domestic violence during Thanksgiving!
So you know someone who lies alot? Read this and more -
Do NOT let faulty thinking get in YOUR way -
Have you had trouble with family in the past begin reading here:
What is your favorite tradition for Thanksgiving? If you don't have one invent one for this year!
Survival involves serious thinking.
What do you enjoy MOST about Thanksgiving? Think about it & make sure you enjoy it this year!
How do u want to feel about u after Thanksgiving? Think about: the people, place, activities, food, ur clothes, time of day to hit ur goal!
If you have difficult family members to deal with during the holidays What is your plan to successfully deal with them - Important to know!
Be wary of impulsive/compulsive thoughts during this season of the year-they may be signs of stress/distress.

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